Dr. Jasset Smith is a Psychologist in West Palm Beach that provides Individual Therapy for Trauma, Substance Abuse/Addiction, Mental Illness, Anxiety Disorders, and Couple & Marriage Counseling
Dr. Jasset Smith is a Psychologist in West Palm Beach that provides Individual Therapy for Trauma, Substance Abuse/Addiction, Mental Illness, Anxiety Disorders, and Couple & Marriage Counseling
Mental health counseling online telehealth & in-person therapy. Offices: Concord, Hooksett, & Hampton NH. Psychiatric care for depression, anxiety 603-824-3555 | Compass of Hope Counseling
Regine Muradian, PsyD is a clinical psychologist in Glendale, CA and Beverly Hills, CA. She specialize in individual therapy, family therapy, executive functioning skills training, and assessments.
Experienced psychologist, Gary Walls PhD special interests include relationship instability, difficulty with social interactions, and therapists in therapy. Offices in Chicago and Arlington Heights.
Find a Psychologist, Make an Appointment. Connecting Psychologists and Patients worldwide fast, economically and in your own language Find Therapists. Book Therapists worldwide …
As a psychologist, author, and speaker, Dr. Donna LaMar, PhD, helps people of all ages heal from pain and bondage and find freedom. Book Dr. LaMar To Speak Victims of trauma often feel likeナ
Barbara Fontana, Psychologist who provides individual psychotherapy for depression, anxiety, relationship problems and couples/marriage counseling; also a Certified Imago Relationship Therapist.
As a licensed psychologist for over 15 years, I am devoted to the treatment of children, adolescents, adults and families. Call for a free consultation (201) 327-0844 Kelley Psychology
Albert Bandura, Social Psychologist developed social cognitive theory, social modeling, social learning, self-efficacy, agentic theory, moral disengagement and many other pioneering theories.
Dr. Mayeux is a Clinical Psychologist in Baton Rouge, LA providing therapy and assessments to people of all ages. Telehealth and in-person services are available. Accepting new clients.
content Lawrence Todryk, Psychologist, psychotherapist Counselor treats Depression, Anxiety, Grief, Loss, Trauma, PTSD Post Traumatic Stress Disorder, family therapy …
Psychologist | Psychological Solutions | United States. “The greatest discovery of my generation is that human beings can alter their lives by altering their attitudes of mind.”
Dr. Maureen King provides adult ADHD assessment, PTSD therapy, anxiety treatment, depression therapy, LGBT counseling, bereavement counseling, and therapy for military families in San Antonio, TX.
I’m an evolutionary psychologist and Associate Research Professor at the University of New Mexico. Diana Santos Fleischman Ph.D. 2021 Created with Wix Scientist Template bottom of page
My passion and purpose is rooted in adult individual counselling and psychological healing through therapeutic approaches such as Attachment Theories, Parts Work, Trauma Theories and mindfulness.
The office is located in Orange and serves Yorba Linda, Anaheim, Santa Ana and the surrounding communities. Call (949) 395-7074. David Pincus PhD – Licensed Clinical Psychologist, Orange CA.
Looking for a skilled psychologist and therapist in Coral Gables and Miami? Contact us at 305-445-0477 for expert counseling and support to enhance your mental well-being. Dr. Todd Giardina
Get a psychologist and receive Cognitive Behavior Therapy in RI & New Haven, CT. Speak with an Intake Coordinator by calling (401) 294-0451 or (203) 298-1967 to receive a professional assessment & evaluation.